Monday 25 February 2013

Almost five years after the release of 'Dead Space' original, Visceral Games has returned to offer 'Dead Space 3' , the most complex and complete delivery of the saga.
Before the release of 'Dead Space 3' , and as the time drew near, had been installing a certain sense of fear of the alleged negative effects that could result in the inclusion of a cooperative mode and a commitment to introduce something more than action, but also because the integration of a micropayment system. Luckily for us, Visceral Games has done very well and none of these elements hinder the smooth progress of history in solo mode, which is still the essence and heart of the franchise.

'Dead Space 3': the horror that came from the cold

Before showing the current status of Isaac Clarke , a broken man after the incident Sprawl space station living secretly in a lunar colony, the game gives us an opportunity to take a look at the past. We moved for the first time, and just get to the controls, with an icy planet called Tau Volantis which happened two hundred years ago ... something. And that something is the trigger for the whole saga and our journey in 'Dead Space 3' . Is the reason that Isaac Clarke is driven from his apartment and released on a mission where both Ellie and Tau Volantis and Effigies are its main objectives.
'Dead Space 3' is aware of what is expected of him. He wanted to play with the introduction of a few grams more action to the mix, but despite an uninspired start to the controls of Isaac Clarke in which we have to roll with other humans shot in the grimy streets of the colony Moon lies the protagonist, soon returns us to that point of comfort in which we feel comfortable being besieged contradictory (and frightened) by the damn necromorphs.
There scares in 'Dead Space 3' , indeed there scares. Distrust anyone who says that the game scares or has become a shooter to use. It is false. What is certain is that, following the introduction of a number of developments in the management of weapons and items (more on that later), the enemies have had to adapt. 're faster and no longer enough with dismantling them as before to annihilate. This will force us to go changing the way we deal with the fighting, which tend to be more frantic than in previous installments, as we move forward. Too bad the enemies, despite having a more dark and rotten, become too familiar . Occasional spawn again cross our path, but overall the feeling is that we already know. The bosses, not too numerous, very stimulating.
It has disappeared in feeling, nor zero gravity rides (both in space, delicious, and within certain locations), or the chair breaks favored by the abrupt appearance of a Necromorph through a window accompanied a significant volume increase. All that remains. Also areas that we can not leave without finishing before a legion of enemies. And when I say that I mean legion, on occasion, play foully abused us and challenges us to annihilate groups of 10 or 12 very fast necromorphs who attack us constantly. Their speed and fury, coupled with his constant grunting and yelling, achieve break our nerves . And we will die on more than one occasion, which, considering that the normal level of difficulty is fucking simple, thanks.

Towards the final stretch of the game is where we find most of the fighting against humans. Let's say that these battles have been introduced at the beginning and end, with any appearance that another in the central part of the story. Despite not having a proper cover system (thankfully), Clarke can crouch to dodge enemy fire better. These are the moments where the game looks less, but I repeat: 'Dead Space 3' is essentially a 'Dead Space' and as such enjoys 100%.

Manufacture of weapons and items. What micropayments?

The introduces significant new 'Dead Space 3' in the saga is the need not only the possibility of making our own weapons . This fact leads to the inability to equip with more than two arms, but what I was saying about the adaptation of the enemies. We can create highly destructive weapons, but the necromorphs are faster and more numerous. We have a greater say and a powerful attack, but the enemies are not going to sit on the couch waiting for them to fall a shower of bullets.
The disappearance of appropriations and involves searching nodes and resource gathering. With them we can build and upgrade weapons in banks intended for that purpose, but also accessories and other objects . The number of possible combinations is huge and the fact that each weapon can perform two types of shot their improvements allows us adjust to our liking. I've come to the end with a plasma cutter as a weapon conveniently enhanced right (I could not resist to take one of these as a tribute to the other deliveries) and throwing junk pretty wild fire by the lower module and explosive shells adorned with acid through the left upper module as a weapon. In any case you will have to see what works best with each enemy or just what you like best. To get to the final form of these weapons that I have mentioned I was making small tweaks and improvements continuously.

There are also a handful of predefined layouts that can ride if we have the resources and can be further modified at will. Best of all is the flexibility of this system : a mounted gun can be disassembled again to get their accessories and mount them on a more powerful if we need them.
The resources we will find in the boxes on the floor, in the bodies of enemies, etc.., But we also have at our disposal a small robots that collect everything in its path. They are very helpful. Just put them to work in ten minutes and return to the bank to deposit all you have collected.
Besides collection methods mentioned, we have the option to buy resources for real money through micropayments . Before the game was released took a few reviews for this system include, but Visceral Games has done well . No need to spend a single euro to powerful weapons. With the funds collected as I progressed enough to make 9 or 10 different weapons and try a bunch of combinations. Now if any of you is impatient wants unlock everything quickly then have the option to scratch his pocket. Totally optional and without any negative effect on any aspect of the game.

'Dead Space 3' and co-op

The story has taken me about 15 hours having made ​​only a couple of side quests, and the total is about 20 hours . Some of these side quests can only be carried out in co-op, but memory and only remember one area you could not go for this reason (there will be some more, but I do not remember. Signal unimportant within the story). That is, the solo mode is as it should be: Isaac control and never need help from Carver (the character who controls the second player in co-op), even controlled by the AI.
The cooperative mode is well resolved and helps extend the life of the game a little more, at the same time we had a great time by confronting the necromorphs in the company or solving puzzles differently from what we have to do alone. In addition the player controlling Carver has access to their strange visions. No objection.


'Dead Space 3' is delivering more complete and complex of all, as said earlier, and no doubt we are facing the best job of Visceral Games . The graphics are superb, the soundtrack is delicious (in many moments reminiscent of the movie "Alien: The eighth passenger '), dubbing is excellent and the game experience, in short, is very satisfactory.
Perhaps less inspired parts are clashes that have to do with the bad guy (human) and his henchmen, and abuse in certain times of the appeal of climbing / descent vertical walls. The enemy design is very similar to previous games and droughts are missing something more variety. In any case, a great game. A must for fans of the series and science fiction.

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