Thursday 21 February 2013

Download Dead space 3 Full Version

One of the most anticipated titles of the early stages of 2013 is, deservedly, Dead Space 3. The controversy was behind the huge increase in the share delivery after delivery, but now we finally stop speculation and enjoyed the final version of the new release. Is it better than the previous ones? Do not have survived the changes? Join us in the journey of Isaac Clarke again to the dark side of the galaxy.

The community of gamers is a tough audience. Nobody denies that. If a beloved saga suffers any change, however small, is examined closely, and often do not feel anything right. If, however, an excess is accommodated and does not alter its formula is also too criticized, although continuista then charged. How to please the bulk of users? With gradual changes and especially the feeling of evolution precisely accompanies the series Dead Space .

Despite being strict no installment of the franchise has been a survival horror , the first chapter is what comes closest to the standard genre with its cocktail of action, horror, puzzles and limited resources. Since then we have seen a gradual shift toward an increase in the amounts of action , and also a growing coating a film coating which gives the series a movie style adventure. For all these different elements that seem, the fact is that the combination works and gives us an action-adventure video game fun, high pace and with a touch of terror really overwhelming.

And that this was a title that has been questioned about any decision made ​​by Electronic Arts in their concept. True that some parts are not we agree, for example, the unification of all types of ammunition or some sections sporadic shooting something free, but the cooperative replacing the competitive mode of the second part is not bad, and speak broadly round a pitch that does not change very much from the formula of the franchise as some might think.

A New Horizon 
Dead Space 3 starts in a fast-paced, and almost does not give us any respite until the individual campaign ends after 19 chapters . The prologue is set two centuries before the events himself starring Clarke , and granted almost eternal dimension to the events in the series live. There, as a tutorial, Incarnated an anonymous soldier who lives several minutes of fighting to regain tribulations a beacon hidden in the bowels of a ship on the planet rugged Tau Volantis .

Once past the brief prologue, which contributes more fat and shades to give Dead Space mythology, retook control of one Isaac Clarke survives as a mediocre life can civil lunar colony in the New Horizon . The thread starts right after the events of the second half, so while it is important having played for the direct links, it is also true that it is easy to understand everything that proposes the new episode in narrative terms. We will, as always, as little as possible, and we will only make it clear that the role of Ellie is again crucial to detonate when the events of the game, and begin our journey to start almost coerced by the information on it we bring the Captain Norton and John Carver , the co-star of the cooperative campaign.

From there begins the journey of the game, one that will get us to the icy planet well into the story. In fact the title is seen to a greater extent than before as a journey, one that will bring us something beyond from point A to B, and that while we can not participate in what we are told altering it, does give us some options when facing certain parties free to choose the order or enforcement in the case of some side quests that debut. But that is something that we will focus later, when we address the facet playable, since here we just want to make clear that the facet of the script works.

Isaac Clarke returns to the load. His battle against necromorphs is far from over, and this time will go a step further.
But that does not stop us to say that there are things that we have been choked and that seem free. The prologue is no big deal, for example, and the first chapter that comes immediately afterwards is not the best start, however as the story pinpoints the effect that occurs in the player is to be more and more interested in what we are told and it is improving Playable facet with the story line. Isaac is clearly under the influence of the effigy , and while that is not explored as much as we would like in the single player campaign, does receive deserved attention on the cooperative aspect of the story mode.

Both Electronic Arts and Visceral Games promised that the joint venture Clarke and Carver fit well in terms of script, and to a greater or lesser extent they have succeeded. At times the presence of the game accompanied Carver seems forced into an approach that gives best returns in terms of claustrophobia and unease when enjoyed alone, but their incorporation to the script and in the early stages of the program is properly fitted and as to provide a second reading of certain situations we have found quite interesting sometimes. At such times there is a very clear counterpoint between Clarke, affected by the Marker and immunized to visions for their power, and Carver torn between sanity and a degree of madness growing inside. Dead Space 2 campaign offered a particularly marked by moments of absolute alienation of the protagonist, able to get the creeps on more than one occasion, but the third installment brings us down to earth further renouncing almost completely such experiences unless we put ourselves in the shoes of John in the cooperative campaign .

Better? Worse? Difficult to choose. We have always linked to the saga with such experiences on the brink of madness, and the truth is that we worship the outcome in the first two episodes, but from the rigor of the script and the evolution of his character was not so logical its presence. The move to include it in the mind of Carver and only anchor the cooperative is an intelligent, but restrict their enjoyment to fans willing to try this type of experience. Moreover, the series has never been known to cause intense fear, but by having a series of scares spectacular and with a feeling of anxiety caused by a lack of ammunition and medical kits, together with the large number of threats and irrational aspect thereof. Some decisions that help describe later in Dead Space 3 to that feelings are not as intense, but the concept remains the same and the very good results.

From a narrative point of view the game reuses resources like intercom screens. His sudden activation will give us more of a scare.

Isaac Clarke: Necromorphs Hunter 
Despite tearing his hair trend that we are living in the gaming community in recent times, Dead Space 3 is not so different from its predecessors as expected. If video games were not the Dead Space movie original would pace away from the action of a survival horror that could resemble the final stretch of the first film "Alien", as has been argued from many opinions, nor the third would military madness and frenzied shooting of "Aliens". Yes there are radical changes in this new release, many in fact, but certainly not as many of concept seemed noisy ensure promotional campaign title, or as many as also suggested the demo. In fact further from the first part of the second, and could say it's a sort of Dead Space 2 hipervitaminado.

And is that the starting point of the gaming experience is again the same. We walked from one place to another map following the GPS interface and under the orders of any party, and resolve any destination in the mechanical repair or activation of tools and machinery. Why the road? Countless monsters and creatures of nightmare that have the annoying task of making things very difficult. The formula is respected to the letter in the game, but includes a number of very interesting variety injections that help to make the whole more accessible to the general public.

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