Thursday 28 February 2013

Download Dead Space 3 Hotfile

The Dead Space saga is currently in full swing for the upcoming launch of its latest installment. Indeed, his latest release, Dead Space 3 , reach us on February 7 .

Let's review everything there is to know about this project . The history of its development, its plot and its main aspects and new playable. As always, we encourage you to enriquezcáis text with your own thoughts about the game in the comments at the bottom of this story. Ready for helaros of fear?

Development and first data

As usual in such cases, the development of Dead Space 3 began even before the end of the whole development of Dead Space 2. But if we stick to the first public mention of the game in the media, we must go back to September of 2011 . On that date, a report on the portal IGN stated that the third installment in the Dead Space saga was already in development .

 On May 7, 2012, EA and Visceral Games officially announced the development of Dead Space 3
It also came to light between the various leaks that were supposed art designs as well as a first treatment of the story and the plot of the game. But it was not until the May 7, 2012 for Electronic Arts and Visceral Games officially announced the development of a new installment in the Dead Space saga , news that was greeted with enthusiasm by the specialized media.

Game Informer had the privilege of being one of the first publications to show gameplay footage
The game was of course present at E3 2012 . And before that, the magazine Game Informer had the privilege of being one of the first publications to show gameplay footage , which showed Isaac Clark snowy on a planet called Tau Volantis. And this leads inevitably to tell you about the plot of the game.

Plot and History

Two months after the events in Dead Space 2 , Isaac Clarke and Ellie Langford traveling the planet Tau Volantis.  an icy planet that, according to research by Langford, could be the origin of the alien race of Necromorphs and effigies previous installments of the series . Orbiting the planet are the remains of the ship Roanoke CMS , while there is no trace of the crew.

Two months after Dead Space 2, Isaac Clarke and Ellie Langford planet Tau Volantis traveling
However, the ship is discovered that their former occupants, a force mining formidable, could have located the "source" of the effigies on the planet . So the group decides to explore the planet in search of the source. Unfortunately, while trying to land the ship on the planet, the crew suffered severe shock and the vehicle finally just crashed , causing it to separate from the rest Langford crew.

The group must find and save Ellie Langford, not to mention the location of the "source" of the effigies
Once on the planet, the group discovers evidence that once there was a fairly large settlement. Finally, contact Clarke unit Defense Force of Earth, led by Sergeant John Carver (which we can control in cooperative mode) and Captain Robert Norton of Eudora USM. Together, the group must find and save Ellie Langford . Not to mention the location of the "source" of the effigies, whose destruction could end up finally and forever with the plague of the Necromorphs .

New playable

A playable level, Dead Space 3 offers a wide battery of developments regarding the two previous installments. Starting with a new cover system , a skill that fans of the series had long been waiting for. Thus, Clarke and Carver can roll or hide behind all kinds of objects, in order to avoid enemy attacks. To make matters worse, the developers have ensured that the system will be completely organic .

Dead Space 3 will have a new cover system, a skill highly anticipated by players
Thus, the player must place to Clarke and Carver at a point or along a predetermined object and then press the cover. On the contrary, and always according to developers, Clarke and Carver made ​​the action and always-appropriate movements given situation . Undoubtedly, a breakthrough that will get items into Dead Space 3 are even more intense.

Clarke and Carver always perform the action and movements given situation-appropriate
On the other hand, we have a new co-op mode. Perhaps the jewel in the crown of Dead Space 3. In this mode, players can join the game at any of the other save points in the game, and can be fired at any of them . Playing cooperatively, players can access new plot details that can not be detected individually.

Players can join the game at any of the other points of the game saved
Also unlock new gameplay mechanics. For example, both Clarke and Carver will have their own attacks of insanity, which the user controls they might experience or see things that other players will not . This also leads to interesting gameplay situations, such as the fact that a player must protect his mate while he is trapped in his own mind for a fit of dementia , similar to those that we saw and experienced in Dead Space 2 .
The game will feature a new system for creating and modifying weapons
Finally, the game will feature a new weapon creation system , which allows players to create weapons from parts found throughout the game. These weapons can be created from 0, with the mere imagination of the player, or based on schematic diagrams may be located along our adventure in Tau Volantis.

Release and Editions

As I have advanced at the beginning of this text, Dead Space 3 will arrive in our country during the February 7 , and will in PlayStation 3 , Xbox 360 and PC . It will also have basic editing (€ 71.95 consolas/51, 50 € PC), and a limited (same price) to include two additional outfits and two weapons that are available to use from day one.

Dead Space 3 will arrive in our country during the February 7, and will in PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC
Specifically it will include Witness costume , a suit of insulation that will help you explore the tough terrain of Tau Volantis, the Costume Contact , built for long exposures in space with a thick armor, weapon Evangelist , a combination of a rifle and a heavy assault gun, and the gun Negotiator , an instrument to dismember Tesla organic tissue.

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Download Dead Space 3 Depositfiles

Last week EA released the demo of Dead Space 3 , a game since its announcement I created uncertainty (in fact, I included it in my list of most anticipated games of 2013 ). And it seems that this advance checks my fears: The saga Dead Space has mutated.

If Dead Space 2 had shown a slight shift in focus in the series , more action than fear, this third installment emphasizes that transition, appealing to the scares Direct (ineffective, by the way) and the stress of dealing with hordes of enemies.

The feeling claustrophobic and oppressive of the first installment, the fear of entering the dark and intriguing game silences disappeared in Dead Space 3 , at least in the demo I tried.

Now, we have more open environments, where the shootings abound against enemies that appear suddenly (with a rather questionable artificial intelligence). If we add an incredible array of health and many kits at our disposal, we can not talk about a game that aspires to be called 'horror'.

Further evidence of this shift in focus is the inclusion of hedge QTE and uncomfortable confrontations with enemies who, gun in hand, try to stop our progress. Play the demo of Dead Space 3 reminded me inevitably to the experience in Resident Evil 6 .

One of the novelties of this Dead Space 3 is the ability to play co-op, a fact that, according to the presentation of demographic change dialogues and even the history of the game. When testing the cooperative, only saw some different dialogues, but nothing more. I assume that we can see the full game promises developers.

Finally, we have the ability to create and modify weapons with elements that we find in our journey. Interesting aggregate, given the approach of the game.

A graphic level, I have not seen improvements over Dead Space 2 , but it is noteworthy that this is a demo, so the game goes on the market possibly be different. Fingers crossed.

In conclusion, I can say that the demo of Dead Space 3 has disappointed me. Evidence that the game was no longer a survival horror to find a clearly directed towards action. And I do not like.

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Download Dead Space 3 Rapidshare

Dead Space 3 again continuing the events of the two previous installments. If the first bet stake with terror and the second took a turn towards action, this third part seems to combine both elements, leading to new scenarios as an icy planet. The big news of this third part is a two-player cooperative mode, and the ability to create our own weapons.
Released: 07/02/2013

Monday 25 February 2013

Almost five years after the release of 'Dead Space' original, Visceral Games has returned to offer 'Dead Space 3' , the most complex and complete delivery of the saga.
Before the release of 'Dead Space 3' , and as the time drew near, had been installing a certain sense of fear of the alleged negative effects that could result in the inclusion of a cooperative mode and a commitment to introduce something more than action, but also because the integration of a micropayment system. Luckily for us, Visceral Games has done very well and none of these elements hinder the smooth progress of history in solo mode, which is still the essence and heart of the franchise.

'Dead Space 3': the horror that came from the cold

Before showing the current status of Isaac Clarke , a broken man after the incident Sprawl space station living secretly in a lunar colony, the game gives us an opportunity to take a look at the past. We moved for the first time, and just get to the controls, with an icy planet called Tau Volantis which happened two hundred years ago ... something. And that something is the trigger for the whole saga and our journey in 'Dead Space 3' . Is the reason that Isaac Clarke is driven from his apartment and released on a mission where both Ellie and Tau Volantis and Effigies are its main objectives.
'Dead Space 3' is aware of what is expected of him. He wanted to play with the introduction of a few grams more action to the mix, but despite an uninspired start to the controls of Isaac Clarke in which we have to roll with other humans shot in the grimy streets of the colony Moon lies the protagonist, soon returns us to that point of comfort in which we feel comfortable being besieged contradictory (and frightened) by the damn necromorphs.
There scares in 'Dead Space 3' , indeed there scares. Distrust anyone who says that the game scares or has become a shooter to use. It is false. What is certain is that, following the introduction of a number of developments in the management of weapons and items (more on that later), the enemies have had to adapt. 're faster and no longer enough with dismantling them as before to annihilate. This will force us to go changing the way we deal with the fighting, which tend to be more frantic than in previous installments, as we move forward. Too bad the enemies, despite having a more dark and rotten, become too familiar . Occasional spawn again cross our path, but overall the feeling is that we already know. The bosses, not too numerous, very stimulating.
It has disappeared in feeling, nor zero gravity rides (both in space, delicious, and within certain locations), or the chair breaks favored by the abrupt appearance of a Necromorph through a window accompanied a significant volume increase. All that remains. Also areas that we can not leave without finishing before a legion of enemies. And when I say that I mean legion, on occasion, play foully abused us and challenges us to annihilate groups of 10 or 12 very fast necromorphs who attack us constantly. Their speed and fury, coupled with his constant grunting and yelling, achieve break our nerves . And we will die on more than one occasion, which, considering that the normal level of difficulty is fucking simple, thanks.

Towards the final stretch of the game is where we find most of the fighting against humans. Let's say that these battles have been introduced at the beginning and end, with any appearance that another in the central part of the story. Despite not having a proper cover system (thankfully), Clarke can crouch to dodge enemy fire better. These are the moments where the game looks less, but I repeat: 'Dead Space 3' is essentially a 'Dead Space' and as such enjoys 100%.

Manufacture of weapons and items. What micropayments?

The introduces significant new 'Dead Space 3' in the saga is the need not only the possibility of making our own weapons . This fact leads to the inability to equip with more than two arms, but what I was saying about the adaptation of the enemies. We can create highly destructive weapons, but the necromorphs are faster and more numerous. We have a greater say and a powerful attack, but the enemies are not going to sit on the couch waiting for them to fall a shower of bullets.
The disappearance of appropriations and involves searching nodes and resource gathering. With them we can build and upgrade weapons in banks intended for that purpose, but also accessories and other objects . The number of possible combinations is huge and the fact that each weapon can perform two types of shot their improvements allows us adjust to our liking. I've come to the end with a plasma cutter as a weapon conveniently enhanced right (I could not resist to take one of these as a tribute to the other deliveries) and throwing junk pretty wild fire by the lower module and explosive shells adorned with acid through the left upper module as a weapon. In any case you will have to see what works best with each enemy or just what you like best. To get to the final form of these weapons that I have mentioned I was making small tweaks and improvements continuously.

There are also a handful of predefined layouts that can ride if we have the resources and can be further modified at will. Best of all is the flexibility of this system : a mounted gun can be disassembled again to get their accessories and mount them on a more powerful if we need them.
The resources we will find in the boxes on the floor, in the bodies of enemies, etc.., But we also have at our disposal a small robots that collect everything in its path. They are very helpful. Just put them to work in ten minutes and return to the bank to deposit all you have collected.
Besides collection methods mentioned, we have the option to buy resources for real money through micropayments . Before the game was released took a few reviews for this system include, but Visceral Games has done well . No need to spend a single euro to powerful weapons. With the funds collected as I progressed enough to make 9 or 10 different weapons and try a bunch of combinations. Now if any of you is impatient wants unlock everything quickly then have the option to scratch his pocket. Totally optional and without any negative effect on any aspect of the game.

'Dead Space 3' and co-op

The story has taken me about 15 hours having made ​​only a couple of side quests, and the total is about 20 hours . Some of these side quests can only be carried out in co-op, but memory and only remember one area you could not go for this reason (there will be some more, but I do not remember. Signal unimportant within the story). That is, the solo mode is as it should be: Isaac control and never need help from Carver (the character who controls the second player in co-op), even controlled by the AI.
The cooperative mode is well resolved and helps extend the life of the game a little more, at the same time we had a great time by confronting the necromorphs in the company or solving puzzles differently from what we have to do alone. In addition the player controlling Carver has access to their strange visions. No objection.


'Dead Space 3' is delivering more complete and complex of all, as said earlier, and no doubt we are facing the best job of Visceral Games . The graphics are superb, the soundtrack is delicious (in many moments reminiscent of the movie "Alien: The eighth passenger '), dubbing is excellent and the game experience, in short, is very satisfactory.
Perhaps less inspired parts are clashes that have to do with the bad guy (human) and his henchmen, and abuse in certain times of the appeal of climbing / descent vertical walls. The enemy design is very similar to previous games and droughts are missing something more variety. In any case, a great game. A must for fans of the series and science fiction.

Sunday 24 February 2013

Download Dead Space 3 PS3 Full Version

[News Original] arrive early reviews for the third installment to complete the trilogy of Dead Space's hand Visceral Games.

After two brilliant deliveries, one-third is in doubt fans of the franchise, for his action and not just convinced that seems to be one of the highlights of their negative first notes.

Game Informer , who analyze and Dead Space with a 9.25 and a 9 out of 10 and its sequel Dead Space 2, tells us that this is a game with a weapon customization system really worked, a graphic section at the height of their deliveries original but fighting between innecsaria was totally human and very poorly executed aparotando generally a much less gloomy atmosphere of what we know as Dead Space.

The most fun for them was the co-op, but the game in general is not what they expected, therefore have given a 7.75 out of 10 final punctuation.

Other sites like Ausgamers give it a 9 out of 10,  3DJuegos 8.8 out of 10 saying that it has not changed as much as we thought and that is as frenetic as ever and T his Gen Game Reviews 8.5 out of 10.

Saturday 23 February 2013

Free Download Dead Space 3 for Pc

Dead Space 3 will have 11 DLC on its first day

Following the controversy with Dead Space 3 . The game, which will have a micropayment system to upgrade weapons, downloadable content will feature 11 on their first day of life in stores, as published by the Anglo half Eurogamer.

The downloadable will focus on improvements to the weapons and the bot's protagonist who is responsible for collecting in-game resources, which can increase storage capacity and improve their skills for $ 4.99 each.

Visceral Games, producer of Electronic Arts published title, has defended the decision to integrate this micropayment system to upgrade weapons as an extra that does not affect the playability of the title.

The developer has indicated that players can continue to improve weapons without paying a euro using materials that collect the bot of Isaac Clarke, and that the best weapons are unlocked to move and can not be easily bought.

Friday 22 February 2013

Download Dead Space 3 Pc Full Version

Dead Space 3, Pre-Analysis

Isaac Clarke Dead Space faces the most expensive, epic and profiled next week on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC, at the close of the plot of the effigies and curse Necromorphs. Tau Volantis, the ice planet, awaiting the last great crusade of Visceral Games survival horror, this time with a firmer look to the shots and a co-op character. Were mutated bases of the brand?

Dead Space is here to stay despite its lukewarm initial sales. Electronic Arts opted in 2008 for new intellectual properties, without fear, and threw large budgets on projects refloated unpublished studies possibly make series. Next to Mirror's Edge from DICE, EA that year introduced the world to Isaac Clarke , the hero armed with a terrifying space adventure and futuristic where often unpleasant images and forceful sound came to raise the player's seat while he told a story infected ship, endangered human colonies and religious and political conspiracies. Visceral Games brought forth a brand new huge considered by many the best survival horror of that moment, a time when Resident Evil-exponent hitherto-was preparing to go away from the basics of survival with the fifth installment, perhaps the most obsessed with the shots and came just four months after this bet EA.

The third-person action genre has been tagged the HD generation with outstanding exponents of the caliber of Uncharted, Gears of War or Mass Effect. The footage covers and film momentazo defined how to titles not only commercial success but also critical and able to excite all players, novice and habitual. Dead Space is said to this car, but had a personality very definite proposition with its scenes of nervousness, exhaustion and terror, with shortages of ammunition, dark and misshapen horrific creatures, all backed by a curtain of violence and gore that made While not contemplated, including dismemberment. It was at once a sense of worship, although sales did not finish accompany rename a year dominated by the likes of GTA IV or Metal Gear Solid 4. The announcement of the second part did not wait, call to captivate all those hundreds of thousands of potential fans, incidentally reviewing some of the few points that did not convince the former and prolonging and complicating an already plot remarkable.

A constant one on one, with various ways and different prism. That will be the cooperative Dead Space 3, where we can exchange weapons and items to coordinate.

Clarke and Carver to new threats

Sergeant John Carver is the new co-star in Dead Sapce 3. Isaac and the player will know quickly in this story, though at first he will sentence " do not worry about me, I am your friend . " The cooperative multiplayer , a desired mode by a follower of the community while detested by the other as it could jeopardize the atmosphere oppressive solitary feature of the series, has forced Visceral give full weight to this argument again involved. The relationship between these men seem to not start as well as it could be expected but soon learn that cooperation is the only way of survival before the shocking events that await them and the larger struggle to remember either. The past and present of both narrative serves as a link to launch them towards a common interest, stay at Tau Volantis, the hostile planet which seems to be the key to the whole issue of the effigies.

The different ways of dying of Clarke are extended to several dozen. Each Necromorph and just trap him mercilessly, destroying his body.

Far behind the incident is already the Ishimura , Isaac Clarke leads but still a traumatic life and crushed by the events of the previous chapters from his apartment when he contemplates how Unitólogos , religion that promotes the use of effigies as the salvation of the world, are taking the city and destroying all life in its path towards a plan of revival "natural". It is a disturbed man, wanted for their ability to interact with the effigies and is forced to flee also possible that detected traces of Ellie Langford , presented in the second part. Dead Space 3 starts very strong, making it clear that this is the final episode of the series, at least for now-and everything is completely overwhelmed and leading mankind to the end of days. Its creators have promised an epic tone and momentous that had not been reached yet in the series, but as usual, the pace of the script and the care component again be visual hallmark. To see what is and is repeated power.

The illusion of Visceral to create an experience to share with another player over the Internet, so you will not have to split screen - led them to look for situations where each participant to mess as much as possible in the role of the character he controls and live an experience slightly differentiated game. Clarke and Carver will not have the same personality, not move exactly the same and take decisions different, but typically share a route packed shoulder to shoulder action. The number of enemies or strength and agility have expanded to such an extent that they will be introduced for the first time armed human enemies , forcing to take cover and leave to shoot with their guns, shotguns and sniper rifles. This time there are many intersecting interests, and other land will fight hard for the future of humanity. How to lay this to your gameplay ?

Equipment and design objects are improved and more open than before. It will be vital to be aware of the parts and building banks.

The Necromorphs were the traditional enemy in Dead Space, horrifying mutations capable of dismembering and stay alive evil produced by the effigies. Monstrous human and animal forms roamed the halls of the ships and spaces that could go in the previous Dead Space, departing from either side and climbing up walls and ceilings as true predators with many arms, heads or agijones baby. They will not disappear in Dead Space 3, much less. They will return to haunt the characters have to deal now with improved versions of those nightmares, stronger, faster or smarter. The IA has never been a key brand but also clashed. Visceral occasionally has promised that in Dead Space 3 the player will find a challenge because most consistent behavior of the enemies, and infected humans.